英語學習小方法發布時間:09-0108:57準備雅思考試時,很多人會忽略掉寫作部分,但只要你學好,就能夠拿高分!要如何寫好一個文章呢?小編在這里告訴大家雅思考試寫作的四個重點,記住這四個要點,讓你文章一氣呵成!假設題目是:These days students decide to attend university in a foreign country. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages. “現今學生流行出國讀書,請討論留學的好處與壞處。”寫作前,可以做個outline大綱,分別寫出pros and cons。例如──1. pros就可以是:make friends, learn a language, challenge yourself, travel cost2. 那麼cons可以是:homesick, expensive, language barrier完成后,你就可以開始起頭,先從一方來開始著手,在用轉折語氣帶出另一方的論點。1. 起頭起頭可有三種方式,例如:One of the reasons to study abroad…“其中一個應該留學的原因是…”The main advantage of studying abroad…“留學的好處 優勢在于….”A good reason to study in a foreign country is…“其中一個留學的好處是…”2. 闡述When one studies in a foreign country, it is possible to make friend from different countries, which can be interesting.“當一個人在國外讀書時,他可以認識不同國家的人,這會是有趣的事。”你也可以用”you”,變成:When you studies in a foreign country, it is possible to make friend from different countries, which can be interesting.3. 轉折However, it may be difficult to make friends due to the language barrier.“然而,你也可能因為語言的障礙,無法順利認識朋友。”4. 分享例子In my opinion In my experience In my view我的意見是 我的經歷是 我的觀點是In my experience, it was not difficult to make friends when attending school because everybody were open to meeting people.“我的例子是,當我在國外讀書時,認識朋友并不難,因為大家都很熱情開放。”以上就是雅思考試寫作的四個重點,希望能夠幫助到各位雅思考生。
關鍵字標籤:ielts life skills報名推薦- IDP IELTS